We had our first argument last night, and he said a lot of cruel things That really hurt me. I know he is sorry and didn't mean the things he said, Because he sent me flowers today. I got flowers today.. It wasn't our Anniversary or any other special day.
Last night he threw me into a wall and started to choke me. It seemed like A nightmare, I couldn't believe it was real. I woke up this morning s...ore and Bruised all over. I know he must be sorry cause he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today, and it wasn't mother's day or any other special day.
Last night, he beat me up again:]xx , it was much worse than all the other Times.
If I leave him, what will I do? How will I take care of my kids? What About money? I'm afraid of him and scared to leave. But I know he must be sorry Because he sent me flowers today...
I got flowers today. Today was a very special day. It was the day of my Funeral. Last night, he finally killed me. He beat me to death. If only I Had gathered enough courage to leave him, I would not have gotten flowers Today........
If you are against domestic abuse, please forward to everybody on your contact List
Ladies don't EVER let a man lay his hands on you.
Men don't abuse our women. Be the protectors you were created to be.
If you Respect Females click Like.
It was worth rebroadcasting, if u don't think so DELETE is a easy option!!
Thanking you
Atul Sikrai
Chief Mentor
Esteem MeLife.