Thursday, 2 June 2011

Zindagi Ki Medicine

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is the set of beliefs that you have about yourself. It is how good (or bad) you feel about yourself.

Example self-beliefs that constitute self-esteem:

I’m an excellent writer
I’m a good human being
I’m great at explaining concepts to others
I feel I’m ugly
I’m too fat
I’m not good with people
I’m a bad person

Why is self-esteem important?

Success in anything we take up in our life is directly linked to the amount of confidence we have in ourselves. Lack of confidence in oneself or low self-esteem prevents us from achieving our full potential in life. A low self-esteem also prevents us from enjoying life fully. By law of attraction, what we believe about ourselves is what the universe shows to us, and thus in order to attract positive things in our life, it is important that our beliefs about ourselves be positive.
Where does self-esteem come from?

Childhood: A large part of self-esteem comes from our childhood. The quality of relationships we have had with our parents, and the amount of praise you got from them has an effect on self-esteem. It is thus important that we positively acknowledge children for their achievements.
Our own thoughts: Some people are naturally more positive than others. The kind of self-talk we do to ourselves is thus a big contributor to our self-esteem.
Achievements:  Success in anything we take up increases our self-esteem. Failures tend to decrease it.
Peers:  What people around us say to us affects our self-esteem. This can be people from work, family or those we have romantic relationships with.

People with high self-esteem tend to:

Feel confident in their abilities. They do not fear failure and are willing to ask for help when needed.
Consider themselves equal to other, regardless of specific talents or outward differences they have. They neither have a superiority complex not inferiority complex.
Standup for what they believe, do not feel attacked when they face opposition, and are open to change their beliefs and grow.Trust their own judgment and do not feel guilty when other people do not like the choices they make.They learn from the past and plan for the future. They do not worry too much about the past.
Believe that others accept them, love them or at least find them interesting.

How can I improve my self-esteem?

Be positive. Focus on achievements and talents, rather than shortcomings.
Stretch yourself beyond what you do now.
Do not be hard on yourself. Let go of any mistakes made in the past.
Surround yourself with positive people who encourage you in whatever you take up.
Monitor and celebrate your success. Reward yourself when you achieve milestones.
Take good care of yourself - body, mind, heart and spirit.
Regularly practice self-love. Look into the mirror each day and say " Wow - How wonderful you are - I Love you !"
Work with a professional coach Like Esteem MeLife who can quickly point areas of improvement.

Life Guru

Atul Sikrai.

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